Our Firm

About REPS

We have a passion for our mission - helping our clients achieve sound financial health and understanding.  Achieving this takes careful planning with wisdom, insight and experience.  We use a disciplined, structured approach to planning to ensure that your needs, goals and objectives are incorporated into developing a plan that 's best for you.

Our Philosophy

Where do we begin?  We listen.  Then we listen more.  And then we listen even more. Our process focuses first on fully understanding and analyzing the specifics of your situation.  We want to know about you, your family, your profession, your beliefs, your financial responsibilities, your desires and maybe most importantly, your desired legacy.  We feel legacy refers to those things that your life will leave behind - financially and otherwise.  We believe that even when “young”, one’s legacy is being created everyday with one’s actions (or non-actions).  Once we know about you and your directions, we commit to providing you with the information, advice and alternatives you need to make the best possible decisions about your financial future.

Meeting your retirement and/or estate planning needs may only be a portion of your overall financial plan.  Working in conjunction with your other advisors will ensure a smooth integration of all aspects of your financial plan.  We believe in a legacy approach whereby you have an individualized plan that continues to grow with you.